Notes from the Pastor's Desk

Dear FLC,

The sun is out! Hallelujah! It is hard not to notice the lovely warmth due to the cold recently, but sometimes it takes effort to see the light. So, here is some light for you: at our congregational meeting we passed a 2024 budget. Thank you for such amazing commitment and generosity! FLC’s ministry shines in our super staff, super council, blossoming children’s ministry, new adult Bible study, vigorous youth group, flourishing First Suppers and First Closet, Thundering Cats Big Band in December, Bethany choir coming in March, and in many more ways! Again – thank you!

Here is a one bright story to share: Two weeks ago, the high was 0o. I had doubts as to how many children would attend First Communion class or confirmation. But all of them came, even the students who live forty miles away came that day.

Stories like this abound at FLC and reveal how important the hope in Christ remains in your lives. The son of God is out, is risen, and is on the loose! Hallelujah!

God’s Peace,

Pastor Stephen