Outreach Ministries of FLC

With the move of free meal service to the Lincoln Education Center and the relocation of the Flint Hills Breadbasket, First Lutheran has formed a "Community Service Dream Team" to discern, assess, and plan for the future of First Lutheran's role in community service.  Please contact office@flcmhk.org for more information. 

  • Collaboration with Common Table

    For over ten years, First Lutheran provided a free, hot sit-down meal to anyone on Thursday evenings. Now, volunteers from FLC and across Manhattan provide a free, hot sit-down meal at the building across from FLC, the Lincoln Education Center every evening of the week. To learn more or volunteer to help prepare, serve, or clean at meals visit www.mhkcommontable.org

  • crafting ministries (prayer shawl and quilting)

    God gives us each gifts, according to God's will. Some can sing, some can teach, and some can work wonders with their hands. Both the Prayer Shawl Ministry and the Quilters create beautiful pieces to give to someone who might need tangible evidence of God's love

  • Lutheran Campus ministry meals

    You are invited to assist LCM in this ministry by providing a simple Sunday evening meal that allows students to assemble together and enjoy good food and Christian fellowship prior to the evening worship. There are many opportunities to sign up and provide a meal August through May. 

  • Angel trees, food drives, and more

    First Lutheran engages in numerous ministries to the community, from Angel Trees at Christmas time, to food drives like the "Souper Bowl" campaign, to monthly designated outreach programs here and abroad supported through financial and other types of gifts.