First Supper News

As many of you now know, a major change is coming for the Manhattan Common Table community meals currently being served at various churches in Manhattan.  It is expected that in early January these nightly dinners will be relocated across the street from us to the former 9th grade building, now known as the Lincoln Center. This means that our First Suppers ministry here at First Lutheran will be ending, with this month marking the 10-year anniversary of the first of our First Suppers.


Our reflections on these 10 years include the 520 meals served - never letting Covid shut us down, just adapting.  The joy of new friendships formed - in the kitchen, or at the tables with our guests. The teamwork, the problems solved, the thousands of plates steaming through the dishwasher, up to our elbows washing pots in the sinks, the compliments for 'the best food in town.'  The privilege of watching God using our fellowship hall to serve our neighbors, and the things we were taught along the way.  Blessings were everywhere. Our gratitude extends in so many different directions.


If you have never joined us and would like to now, it's not too late.  We still welcome more hands, and will get you on the schedule. – Karen Jerabek

First Closet

With the ending of First Suppers in a few months, First Closet will also no longer operate as it has.  It has been a fun, and rewarding experience.  "Good for my soul," one of our volunteers said.  We are so grateful for your donations over the years because you have helped hundreds of people.  Our eyes have been opened to how great the need in our community truly is - socks, decent shoes that actually fit, anything warm the homeless can wrap themselves in. Your donations have always made a difference.


If you've been meaning to clean out your own closets, now might be a good time.  We will still gladly receive donations of blankets, towels, bedding, and cold weather clothes only - no spring or summer clothing please.  We also take children's clothing.  While the school district's FIT Closet is also moving to the Lincoln Center, it will be closed during October as they make that move, so we may see an increase in children's needs here.  As we have said so many times before - thank you. 


We will send out another announcement as to when we will discontinue receiving donations. If you have any questions about anything at all related to First Closet, or would like something to do on a Thursday night, please contact Karen Jerabek.