Growing in Faith

September 20, 2024


Dear First Lutheran Church Family,


‘Growing in Faith’ is the theme of our fall stewardship appeal, which is the central part of First Lutheran’s mission statement. As we go through the next few weeks you will see personal messages from the Stewardship Team regarding what ‘Growing in Faith’ means to them.


As we reflect on this past year and plan for the future, it is essential that the plan include you. In 2024, worship flourished with all ages participating and lots of special music. Christian education enlarged to include weekly adult Bible study. Children’s ministry thrived with dedicated teachers each Sunday. The youth group grew in faith from their weekly meetings and their most recent trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering. Many other actions of the church include service to others where you give your time, talents and treasures to support First Closet, First Suppers, Ladies Circles, the Prayer Shawl and Quilting Group.  There is something at First Lutheran for everyone to engage in and support!


Enclosed you will find two forms: “Estimate of Giving” and “Time, Talent” Your financial support makes FLC’s ministry possible, and your volunteer time makes a huge difference for good. Please consider submitting these forms or completing them online at by Sunday, October 6.


Thank you for being a part of the First Lutheran Church family and for your prayerful consideration of your 2025 giving to support the church ministries and programs. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Stewardship Team. (Susan Adams, John Drach, Larry Erickson, and Pastor Stephen).




Susan Adams, FLC Stewardship Chair